Transport General Authority announced the amended Regulation governing the activity of taxis, taxi brokers and e-hailing cars

29 Feb 2024

Transport General Authority announced the amended Regulation governing the activity of taxis, taxi brokers and e-hailing cars

The Transport General Authority (TGA) declared that the revised Regulation that controls the operations of e-hailing vehicles, taxi brokers, and taxis went into effect on Wednesday. This comes after a few months ago, TGA Board of Directors Chairman and Minister of Transport and Logistics, Eng. Saleh Al-Jasser, approved the revised Regulation. The changes state that drivers of e-hailing cars would have their account temporarily revoked if they cancel five trips in a month. A private car used for public transit, known as an e-hailing vehicle, transports customers who make reservations using approved electronic applications.

The Regulation has been revised with the required changes to solve the main issues that face investors, beneficiaries, and employees as well as to further improve the services provided in this industry. In addition to simplifying procedures for carrying out activities and stimulating and encouraging investment in this sector, this would help to achieve the goals of the National Strategy for Transport and Logistics Services by improving the experience of beneficiaries, workers, and investors as well as the quality of services provided.

The amended Regulation included a number of changes, the most significant of which were to facilitate certain investor-related procedures, address the mechanism that allows the driver to ascertain the dropping location prior to accepting or rejecting the request, and address the increasing trend of drivers cancelling trips after accepting them on passenger transport applications by temporarily suspending the driver's activities if he cancels more than five trips after acceptance in a calenda 

In addition to controlling the increasing trend of illegally operating private vehicles as public taxis, the carrier must also set up a system for returning misplaced baggage or personal items to their owners or beneficiaries. Along with improving the beneficiaries' experience, the amendments also clarified the extent of practicing taxi activities and increased licensees' compliance rates by requiring licensees to continue electronically linking to the authority-specified system and providing the necessary data to it. 

In order to provide practical solutions to solve these issues and raise and improve the effectiveness and calibre of the services offered, the TGA is always striving to identify the difficulties that investors, beneficiaries, and employees in the transportation industry face.



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