Registration and fee structure of four packages for domestic pilgrims for the Hajj of 2024 have been announced

12 Feb 2024

Registration and fee structure of four packages for domestic pilgrims for the Hajj of 2024 have been announced

The start of registration and the cost breakdown for four packages for domestic pilgrims traveling to Hajj in 2024 have been announced by the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. Four packages will be available, with prices ranging from SR4,099 to SR13,265. If they would want to participate in the annual Hajj pilgrimage, Saudi nationals and foreigners living in the Kingdom may apply via the Nusuk application or by visiting the ministry's website at

Details of the four packages that are offered to domestic pilgrims were disclosed by the government.

Pilgrims can purchase the first package for SR10,366.10, which would allocate them to camps meant to offer a luxurious experience and pleasant accommodations. 

Alternatively, those who purchase the second package will receive hospitality camps in Mina for SR8,092.55.

The pilgrims who choose the third package will pay the maximum fee, which is SR13,265.25. They will be accommodated in one of Mina's six towers near the Jamarat Bridge.

Domestic pilgrims can purchase the fourth package at the lowest cost of SR4,099.75, which includes services within the economic range. 

Value-added tax (VAT) is included in all pricing; however, land and air transportation expenses to and from Makkah are not included.

The ministry made it clear that the cost of transportation to and from Makkah will be added to the first and second package prices. Additionally, the cost of transportation to and from the assembly points and the Mashair train or buses for visiting the Holy Sites of Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah will be added based on the camp's location.

The Mashair train will be the exclusive means of transit between the Holy Sites under the terms of the third package. Regarding the fourth package, there is an additional charge for transportation from the pilgrims' Makkah house to the Mina location where the stoning ceremony is performed at the Jamarat. This involves using buses and then the Mashair train on the days of Tashreeq (Dhul Hijjah 11, 12, and 13).




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